ConstructSim Executive Client Help

Data Processing Configuration Wizard Export Pane

The Export section is used to copy data from the ConstructSim Work Package Server project to the Data Processing database during the End-To-End Data Run workflow.

Exporting data from the WPS application to the Data Processing database is used primarily for Engineering List import. During Engineering List processing, the data from the list data in Excel is merged with the current state of the VCM.

If a line item in the list matches an existing tag in the VCM, the attributes are updated accordingly. If the Excel file contains a tag that is not in the VCM, then that object is added but shows as a non-graphical object (because there is no CAD graphics to be shown).

In the following example, the Equipment List XML file is shown. You select the ENGITEMEQUIP.xml file and click Edit to edit the equipment list mapping.

The first panel shows the available attributes for the selected class (in this case, ENGITEMEQUIP).

The next panel shows a grid along with some text boxes along the top of the dialog.

The grid displays the WPS attributes in the first column (A\P NAME) and the column name from the Excel list in the second column (COLUMN NAME). Data Type is usually varchar() and Data Type Parameter is typically 255.

  • The Table Name text box denotes the Engineering List table to which the data will be written in the Data Processing database.
  • The Component Id Source drop-down menu is the column in the Excel list that is used to match the tagged items in the VCM.
  • Discipline text box is non-editable, as it reflects a lookup based on the value of the next text box.
  • The Data Processing Alias drop-down menu selects the type of component used in Data Processing. Depending on this selection, the Discipline text box above is populated.

The lookup between Discipline and Data Processing Alias is set in the Configuration Wizard in the Components and Activities section.

The final panel shows the resulting XML mapping file. Click Save and upload to save your changes.